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PART TWO Questions 8-12Read the article below which reviews a new book on company planning.
Choose the best sentence from the list on the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
For each gap 8-12, mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.
Do not use any letter more than once.
There is an example at the beginning (0).

Firms need a better way of planning
Nick Field, in his book Strategy Management, offers a new approach to help companies map out their future.

Many companies have lost the art of strategy-making. They spend too much time looking at process change, organisation and systems. (0)______. They have got things out of balance. In many companies, the development of strategy is in crisis. In a recent magazine poll, only six per cent of executives rated their company highly for long-term planning skills. (8) ______. If this figure is accurate, it is not surprising that 29% of the FTSE 100 companies failed to achieve real sales growth between 1992 and 1996, when take-overs are excluded from the figures.

可见,这部分信息的重心是planning,strategy。后句说,如果这个数字是准确的话,那么。。。可见(8)中必然要包含关于数据的内容。正确答案为C. Another survey estimated that only one in ten companies had the information they needed to make strategic decisions. C中含有数字only one in ten,而且话题和前句一致,都是关于strategy.

There can be no doubt about the value of effective strategy-making. Recent research has shown that what are described as 'visionary' companies - those with clear strategies for the future - deliver higher shareholder returns. They are less at risk from short-term earnings pressures because they know - and they can convince others - that they will survive these.

(9) ______ Times have changed. The big company of today is not being defeated by another big company but by the small companies. So how do they do it. And where do companies that are failing in this respect turn If a company accepts that their strategy development is not 'the best in the class', if they acknowledge that they need to do more to map out their future, influence rather than be influenced, shape their market instead of being shaped by it, how should they take on this strategy-making challenge

(9)评析: 后一句谈到“时代已经变了,大公司不是被大公司,而是被小公司击败。”既然后句谈时代改变了,那么前句应当在谈过去怎样。正确答案为 F. In the past, it was generally believed that the scale of the company was the most significant factor.

Field's book Strategy Management puts forward a new approach to help companies rediscover the power of forward planning. (10) ______. The book is straightforward to understand and use, and offers practical and specific directions. Research and empirical testing have proved that it can be useful in all areas of industry and should be of value to any company.

(10)评析:前句谈到Field的书《战略管理》提到一种新的重新帮助公司发现未来规划的能力。后一句也谈到书,可见(10)句中一定包含关于书的信息。正确答案为A Clear guidelines are given on how to become involved with customers and build new forms of competitive advantage.

The approach put forward is based on two key building blocks, the first being that any company considering its future must have a commitment to win. (11) ______. The second building block is competitive advantage. The author defines four prime areas that differentiate organisations and influence purchase decisions. These are 'the performance of the product or service, sold at the most attractive price, with extraordinary levels of service and strong emotional values.' It may require only one of these areas to produce a competitive advantage. Take Coca-Cola for example. (12) ______.

(11)评析:前句提到two key building blocks的第一个,后句提到第二个,可见(11)的信息应当和第一个building block有关。前句中:the first being that any company considering its future must have a commitment to win. 这里重心落在commitment to win上。正确答案为E If this comes across forcefully enough rivals will see it and go elsewhere, believing the market will be taken over by another. 这里的this 指的即为commitment to win

B Through the brand name, the company has established a relationship with customers' feelings that has made the product highly successful.

Companies can explore how to win by building on their commitment and working around this approach to identify which one or more of these four sources of advantage will lead to success



















A Clear guidelines are given on how to become involved with customers and build new forms of competitive advantage.
B Through the brand name, the company has established a relationship with customers' feelings that has made the product highly successful.
C Another survey estimated that only one in ten companies had the information they needed to make strategic decisions.
D Lacking any debate about the future, these are typically reduced to a once-a-year form-filling exercise.
E If this comes across forcefully enough rivals will see it and go elsewhere, believing the market will be taken over by another.
F In the past, it was generally believed that the scale of the company was the most significant factor.
G They do not invest enough effort in determining where they want to be in their markets and how they are going to beat their competitors.PART FOURQuestions 19-33Read the advice below on writing a CV.
Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.
For each question 19-33, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
There is an example at the beginning (0).

Guidelines for Writing Your CV
A well-produced CV can make all the difference when applying for a job.
It can take a reader just 30 seconds to (0) __B__ a decision about a CV. So when writing a CV, you should remember you have just half a minute to (19)_____ the reader's interest, leave a clear (20) _____ of professionalism and indicate the likely (21) _____ to an employer of hiring you. To prepare a CV which is (22) _____ will take time and possibly several drafts. Layout, presentation and a choice of words which demonstrate both responsibility and achievement are vital (23) _____ of any CV.

No matter how well your career background and skills (24) _____ the needs of an employer, your efforts could (25) _____ if you make it difficult for the reader to take in the relevant information. As your message must register quickly, make the reader's task an easy one. (26) _____ that the print is well spaced and that the key information is displayed clearly.

The (27) _____ of the CV is to generate interviews. Visually, you want your CV to have a positive effect, but it is also necessary for it to (28) _____ the reader that you are worth meeting. The style in which you present your CV is a (29) _____ of personal choice, but it is important that you use words which (30) _____ an active and successful career.

People sometimes make the mistake of (31) _____ a CV as a rewrite of their job description, which results in unnecessary jargon and detail. In addition, issues such as salary and (32) _____ for leaving previous employers should not be (33) _____; they are best discussed at the first interview stage.

A meet B reach C arrive D contact











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